BISS GCH Electron N Foxfire's V.I.P. Access RE BN DCat TKN CGC ROM
Ch Eastwick's Meadow Monster LC-10D
Ch Goldgrove Perfect Harmony LC-12D
Goldgrove Hot 'N Starstruck LC-10D
Am/Can Ch Mikadobe's You Cheated v Amoore
Ch Goldgrove Believe it or Not BFL-1 LC-10D
Ch Goldgrove Sheza Miracle
GCH Alisaton the Flight of the Phoenix BFL-1 LC-10D
Ch Foxfire's All That Jazz LC-12D
Goldgrove Hot 'N Starstruck LC-10D
Ch Foxfire All Star LC-10D
Goldgrove Naturally Brilliant
Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J's LC-12D
Ch Gemstone Ravenna Alisaton Cortina LC-13D
GCH Foxfire's Love Monster CD ROM BFL-1 LC-10D
Ch Foxfire's Who's That Monster OA OAJ ROM BFL-1 LC-10D
Ch Foxfire's Who's That Girl LC-10L
Ch Goldgrove Believe it or Not BFL-1 LC-10D
Ch Goldgrove Taste and Style
Ch Foxfire's I'm All That CD RE MX MXJ MXF BFL-1 LC-12D
Ch Sundown's Comanchee Raider
World Ch Am/Mex Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow TT
Ch Foxfire's All That Jazz LC-12D
Am/Can Ch Goldgrove Stop Traffic II
Can GCh Goldgrove Om Shanti
CH Foxfire's I'm a Hot Shot BFL-2 LC-11D
GCH CH MACH Foxfire's Easily Steller v Electron CD BN RE MXS MJG OF CA RATN ROM LC-13D BFL-1
GCH CH Foxfire N Electron's No Easy Access RATCHX BN CD RE MX MXJ OF CA DJ CGC ROM BFL-2 LC-10L
Ch Legendale Landon of Goldgrove
Ch Goldgrove Perfect Harmony LC-12D
Ch Goldgrove Elegance Is an Attitude