Ch Caleb's Day of Redemption

Ch Vali-T's Double Take
Ch Teraden's Don Juan
Matist Hera
Ch Beaulane the Nite Ryder
Ch Eisamar's Long Time Comin' LC-10D
Tecoppa's Nights Illusion
Ch Goldgrove Love Connection
Ch Lancaster's Sassi Cin'N'Spice LC-10L
Eisamar's Breezin' Away
Ch Lancaster's Courvosier v Trump CD ROM
Tecoppa's Knock 'em Out
Am/Can Ch Shayera Jesse James
Ch Gold Grove Guess v Karrera LC-12D
Ch Vali-T's Double Take
Caleb's Glory Hallelujah LC-10L
Ch Agape's Bright Morningstar LC-11D
Ch Char Lor's Roulette Vinney
Stepp's Ball of Fire LC-13D
Caleb's Glory Hallelujah LC-10L
Logan v Morr
Ch Valleyfalls Galliano
Ch Agape's Bright Morningstar LC-11D
Ch Stepp's Turbo LC-11D
Eisamar's Grand Illusion
Ch Caleb's Mighty Conqueror TT LC-11D
Ch Caleb's Miracleworker LC-11D
Ch Caleb's Road to Redemption WAC CGC BFL-1
BISS Am/Can Ch Eisamar's Over the Top LC-11D
Ch Briarwood Nite Shift LC-10D
Stepp's Abby Road