A Web Database from...


The Doberman Pinscher Club of America



name   Huckfeldt, Cynthia (Cindi)
  United States
email address  
web site address  

breeder of:


owner of::


  Alisaton a Starr Is Born v Raklyn Ciden
Alisaton Contessa's Wish v Gallant Ciden
Alisaton First Class v Gallant Ciden
Alisaton First Impression v Gallant Ciden
Alisaton First Lady v Gallant Ciden
Alisaton First Wish v Gallant Ciden
Alisaton Katahdin Immortal Beauty v Raklyn Ciden
Alisaton Perfect Timing v Gallant Ciden
Alisaton Saboteur v Raklyn Ciden
Alisaton Scirocco v Raklyn Ciden
Alisaton Swept Away v Raklyn Ciden
Alisaton the Secret v Raklyn Ciden
Alisaton Three Wishes v Gallant Ciden
Alisaton Wish Doctor v Gallant Ciden
Alisaton Wish Giver v Gallant Ciden
Alisaton Wishful Thinking v Gallant Ciden
Array Oceanica v Ciden
Array Point Break v Ciden
Array Shadowcaster v Ciden
Array Ultraviolet v Ciden
Array Up in Smoke v Ciden
Array Well Red v Ciden
Cedar Knoll Ojadn Firestorm Gallant Ciden
Cedar Knoll Ojadn Spring Showers Gallant Ciden
Cedar Knoll Ojadn Storm Chaser Gallant Ciden
Cedar Knoll Ojadn Storm Warning Gallant Ciden
Ciden Good Ride Cowboy v Alisaton Gallant D'Tales
Ciden Teeter v Gallant D'Tales Alisaton
Ciden the Dance V Gallant Alisaton Dtales
D'Tales Dare to Believe Gallant Ciden
D'Tales Dare to Compare v Gallant Ciden
D'Tales Dark Secret v Alisaton Ciden
D'tales Mayhem Gallant Ciden Alisaton
D'Tales Reese v Alisaton Ciden
D'Tales Secret Kiss v Alisaton Ciden
D'Tales Secret Romance v Alisaton Ciden
D'Tales Secret Society v Alisaton Ciden
Dreamchaser's Midnight Teller v Ciden Alisaton
Dreamchaser's Midnight Thunder v Ciden Alisaton
Dreamchaser's Midnight Tryst v Ciden Alisaton
Dtales GiveThanks v Gallant Ciden Alisaton
Dtales T.G.I.F. Gallant Ciden Alisaton
Dtales Thanks a Million Gallant Ciden Alisaton
Gallant's Applause for Color v Ciden Cedar Knoll
Gallant's Bayou Brees v Ciden
Gallant's Bellagio v Ciden
Gallant's Best Kept Secret v Ciden
Gallant's Blackmail v Ciden D'Tales Alisaton
Gallant's Buckle Bunny v Ciden
Gallant's Check Point v Ciden
Gallant's Check Yes or No v Ciden
Gallant's Checkmate v Ciden
Gallant's Cheers and Applause v Ciden Cedar Knoll
Gallant's Classified Adds v Ciden
Gallant's Cowboy Up Ciden
Gallant's Cowgirl v Ciden
Gallant's Double Blast v Ciden
Gallant's Double Dare v Ciden
Gallant's Double Jeopardy v Ciden
Gallant's Double Oh Seven v Ciden
Gallant's Double Or Nothing v Ciden
Gallant's Double Roses v Ciden
Gallant's Double Trouble v Ciden
Gallant's Double Vision v Ciden
Gallant's Dream Brees v Ciden
Gallant's Drew Brees v Ciden
Gallant's Fast Dance v Ciden
Gallant's Fast Lane v Ciden
Gallant's Fast N Easy v Ciden
Gallant's First and Foremost v Ciden
Gallant's Happy Hour v Ciden
Gallant's Hold the Presses v Ciden
Gallant's Hot off the Press v Ciden
Gallant's I Found That Girl v Ciden D'Tales
Gallant's Kiss This v Ciden
Gallant's Lil' Brees v Ciden
Gallant's Meadow Brook v Ciden
Gallant's Meadow Creek v Ciden
Gallant's Meadow Magic v Ciden
Gallant's Meadow Soprano v Ciden
Gallant's Meadowlands v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Fiesta v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Flyer v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Gambler v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Hour v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Oasis v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Player v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Ryder v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Shadow v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Tildawn Vciden
Gallant's Mirage v Ciden
Gallant's Paris v Ciden
Gallant's Party Till Sundown v Ciden
Gallant's Raindrop on Roses v Ciden
Gallant's Ransom v Ciden D'Tales Alisaton
Gallant's Round of Applause v Ciden Cedar Knoll
Gallant's Savannah Brees v Ciden
Gallant's Scandel v Ciden D'Tales Alisaton
Gallant's Society News Esq V Ciden Dtales Alisaton
Gallant's Society Page v Ciden
Gallant's Standing Applause v Ciden Cedar Knoll
Gallant's State of the Union v Ciden D'Tales
Gallant's Symphony Hour v Ciden
Gallant's Tattle D'Tale v Ciden Alisaton
Gallant's the Witching Hour v Ciden
Gallant's Top Story v Ciden
Gallant's Tropicana v Ciden
Gallant's Victoria's Secret v Ciden
Gallant's War of the Roses v Ciden
Gallants Live for the Applause v Ciden Cedar Knoll
Gallants Society Bling v Ciden D'Tales Alisaton
Gallants Society Chic v Ciden D'Tales Alisaton
Narada's Ezri Dax Cedar Knoll Gallant Ciden
Narada's Joran Dax Cedar Knoll Gallant Ciden
Narada's Torias Dax Cedar Knoll Gallant Ciden
Soleil's Solar Eclipse v Ciden
Soleil's Solar Flare v Ciden
Tri-C's Supreme Sultan v Ciden
    Alisaton Swept Away v Raklyn Ciden
Carlon's Rockin' Robin
Ciden Good Ride Cowboy v Alisaton Gallant D'Tales
Ciden Teeter v Gallant D'Tales Alisaton
Ciden the Dance V Gallant Alisaton Dtales
D'Tales Aja v Alisaton Ciden
D'Tales Dare to Compare v Gallant Ciden
D'Tales Reese v Alisaton Ciden
D'Tales Secret Kiss v Alisaton Ciden
Dtales Thanks a Million Gallant Ciden Alisaton
Gallant's Bayou Brees v Ciden
Gallant's Best Kept Secret v Ciden
Gallant's Buckle Bunny v Ciden
Gallant's Checkmate v Ciden
Gallant's Double Blast v Ciden
Gallant's Double Dare v Ciden
Gallant's Double Or Nothing v Ciden
Gallant's Double Roses v Ciden
Gallant's Double Trouble v Ciden
Gallant's Dream Brees v Ciden
Gallant's Drew Brees v Ciden
Gallant's First and Foremost v Ciden
Gallant's Hot off the Press v Ciden
Gallant's Kiss This v Ciden
Gallant's Meadow Brook v Ciden
Gallant's Meadow Soprano v Ciden
Gallant's Meadowlands v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Hour v Ciden
Gallant's Midnight Oasis v Ciden
Gallant's Party Till Sundown v Ciden
Gallant's Scandel v Ciden D'Tales Alisaton
Gallant's Society News Esq V Ciden Dtales Alisaton
Gallant's Society Page v Ciden
Gallant's State of the Union v Ciden D'Tales
Gallant's Tattle D'Tale v Ciden Alisaton
Gallant's the Witching Hour v Ciden
Gallants Society Bling v Ciden D'Tales Alisaton
Gallants Society Chic v Ciden D'Tales Alisaton
Huck's Kaiser v Armstrong
Toledobes Make-N-A Statement