A Web Database from..
The Doberman Pinscher Club of America
Help files...
Skidmore, Janet M
North Carolina
United States
email address
web site address
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A'Fair of Scudamor's Boomerang
A'Fair of Scudamore's Body Rok
A'Fair of Scudamore's Mocha
A'Fair of Scudamore's Rik-O-Shay
Cara's Mandi De Scudamore
Crystal's J T De Scudamore
Crystal's Topgun de Scudamore
Crystals Scudamore Calais
Crystals Scudamore Corsica
Gamby's Jason de Scudamore
Gamby's Rubi De Scudamore
K L Scudamore Kismet
Kyloe Scudamore KB Skyburst
Kyloe's Beva De Scudamore
Kyloe's Breeze de Scudamore
Kyloe's Dee Judge De Scudamore
Kyloe's Delilah De Scudamore
Kyloe's Kb Guy De Scudamore
Marwood Anubis De Scudamore
Saad Shanti v Scudamore
Salidobe Hussy v Scudamore
Scudamore Abracadabra v Cara
Scudamore Aces Hi v Langtal
Scudamore Acres Lt Armani
Scudamore Acres Tl Nite Hawk
Scudamore Acres Tl Spirithawk
Scudamore Acres Tl Star Hawk
Scudamore Aka Taiyo
Scudamore Classic Touch
Scudamore Gatsu Takwiase
Scudamore Gatsu Tsumuji
Scudamore Gatsu Uteki Kyloe
Scudamore Gems Opal
Scudamore Gems Topaz
Scudamore Gs Blythe Spirit
Scudamore Gs Free Spirit
Scudamore Gs Moonspirit
Scudamore Gs Sky Spirit
Scudamore Hi Risk v Langtal
Scudamore Hi Rol'r v Langtal
Scudamore J S Judson
Scudamore Jazz De Taj
Scudamore Jeja Navajo
Scudamore Jeto Gaijin Bikila
Scudamore Jewels Tiara
Scudamore Khax Aegir Kyloe
Scudamore Khax Angrboda
Scudamore Kyloe De Justice
Scudamore Kyloe Gl Chakra
Scudamore Kyloe Hot T'mle
Scudamore Kyloe It's Esther
Scudamore Kyloe It's Leah
Scudamore Kyloe Kc Carbon
Scudamore Kyloe Sl Ginger
Scudamore Kyloe Sum'r Rain
Scudamore Kyloe Sum'r Storm
Scudamore Langtal Fourtonace
Scudamore Langtal One Vision
Scudamore Langtal Phoenix Rising
Scudamore Limited Edition
Scudamore Magic Falcon
Scudamore Melody De Taj
Scudamore Oraibi
Scudamore Pellken Pg Solomon
Scudamore Reikon
Scudamore Rhiannon
Scudamore Rondo Shibumiesh
Scudamore Sacajawea
Scudamore Salidobe Apollo
Scudamore Salidobe Iris
Scudamore Salidobe Thor
Scudamore Scat De Taj
Scudamore Shibumi
Scudamore Storm v Breezewood
Scudamore Tamiko
Scudamore Teja Seneca
Scudamore Teto Tsunami
Scudamore the Charade
Scudamore the Fire Cracker
Scudamore the Fire Glow
Scudamore the Fire Works
Scudamore the Magic Nite
Scudamore the Magic Wizard
Scudamore the Magician
Scudamore the Shogun
Scudamore Thor
Scudamore Touch of Class
Scudamore Towaki
Scudamore Wheel of Fortune
Scudamore Wija Kalliste
Scudamore Wija Khanda
Scudamore Xmiss Holly
Scudamore Zazo Swift Current
Scudamore-Crystal Amaya
Scudamore-Crystal Caddo
Scudamore-Crystal Wateka
Scudamore-Crystal Weeyoe
Scudamore-The Acres Tabasco
Scudamore-The Acres Tasha
Scudamore-The Acres Tik Hai
The Acres Scudamore Talisman
The Acres Scudamore Tatiana
The Acres T-Tyme De Scudamore
The Acres Tebony De Scudamore
Tzar Kahn's Krisma De Scudamore
Warjo's Bali Hali v Scudamore
Warjo's Melodee v Scudamore
Warjos Sea Myst v Scudamore
Alisaton Gallorette
Scudamore Abracadabra v Cara
Scudamore Jeto Gaijin Bikila
Scudamore Khax Angrboda
Scudamore Teto Tsunami
Scudamore the Magic Nite
Scudamore the Magic Wizard
Scudamore the Magician
Scudamore Towaki
Scudamore Wija Kalliste
Scudamore Wija Khanda
Scudamore Xmiss Holly
Tzar Kahn's Krisma De Scudamore
© 2025
Doberman Pinscher Club of America