Janterra's the Devils Back
Ch CanGREX CH U-CH Legendale Addiction v Goldgrove CD RN CGN
Am/Can Ch Goldgrove Stop Traffic II
Ch Goldgrove Believe it or Not BFL-1 LC-10D
Ch Goldgrove Perfect Harmony LC-12D
Goldgrove Hot 'N Starstruck LC-10D
Ch Goldgrove Taste and Style
Am/Can Ch Mikadobe's You Cheated v Amoore
Ch Goldgrove Elegance Is an Attitude
Am/Can GCh Goldgrove Miracle Whip LC-12L
Am Ch/U GrCh/IABC Ch Talladega's American Thunder RN OA OAJ NJP NF CL-3 CGC VCX ROM LC-10D
Am/Int'l/UKC CH Talladega's Thunderhawke WAC
Am/Intl Ch Walkaway's Boot Scoot N Boogie WAC LC-10D
Ch Goldgrove Sheza Miracle
Ch Sundown's Comanchee Raider
Goldgrove Naturally Brilliant
Can Ch Janterras Pretty Reckless
Can Ch Liberator's Apache Warbonnet
Arg/Brz/Can/Urg Ch Navajo De Black Shadow
World Ch Am/Mex Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow TT
Arg Ch Jessy de Vulcano LC-15D
Can Ch Liberator's Chasing Rainbows LC-11D
Am/Can Ch Tallyesyn Dream Chaser
Can Ch Liberator's Legally Blonde BFL-1
Can GCh Janterra's Corazon Valiente LC-10L
GCh Element Rock Star BFL-1 LC-11D
Ch A-List N Moa's Knight Strike LC-10L
Element Reach for the Stars BFL-1 LC-11D
Can Ch Niklby's Stardom Bound CGN
Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J's LC-12D
U-Ch/Ch Niklby's Proof I'm True to Form