A Web Database from...


The Doberman Pinscher Club of America



name   Gunsch, Kelly
  Water Valley
email address   valhalladobermans@gmail.com
web site address   http://www.valhalladobermans.com

breeder of:


owner of::


  Valhalla N Avid's Cowboy Casanova
Valhalla N Avid's Wild Angel at Aurora
Valhalla's Boot Scootin' Boogie v Janterra
Valhalla's Boots and Boys v Janterra
Valhalla's Calling All Angels v Avid
Valhalla's Gypsy Boots v Janterra
Valhalla's Head Over Boots v Janterra
Valhalla's in the Arms of an Angel v Avid
Valhalla's Knockin' Boots v Janterra
Valhalla's Lips of an Angel v Avid
Valhalla's Must be an Angel v Avid
Valhalla's Rhinestone Cowboy v Avid
Valhalla's She Talks to Angels v Avid
Valhalla's Should've Been a Cowboy v Avid
Valhalla's Space Cowboy v Avid
Valhalla's These Boots R Made 4 Walkin' v Janterra
    Janterra's Diamonds and Rust
Janterra's Locked In
Janterras Backstage Pass
Valhalla N Avid's Cowboy Casanova
Valhalla N Avid's Wild Angel at Aurora
Valhalla's Boots and Boys v Janterra
Valhalla's Head Over Boots v Janterra
Valhalla's in the Arms of an Angel v Avid
Valhalla's Knockin' Boots v Janterra
Valhalla's Lips of an Angel v Avid
Valhalla's Must be an Angel v Avid