A Web Database from...


The Doberman Pinscher Club of America



name   Jones, Laura
  United States
email address   calebdobe@comcast.net
web site address   http://www.calebdobe.com

breeder of:


owner of::


  Anchor Point Glorieta Sunshine
Bravehart's Blackhawk v Caleb
Bravehart's Colors of the Wind v Caleb
Bravehart's Winter Warrior
Caleb's a Thousand Hallelujahs
Caleb's Amazing Grace
Caleb's Angel in Disguise
Caleb's Angel Unaware
Caleb's Answered Prayers
Caleb's be Thou My Vision GMC
Caleb's Beneath the Shadow of His Wings
Caleb's Buena Vista Blue Chip
Caleb's Captivating
Caleb's Carried on Angel Wings
Caleb's Casting Crowns
Caleb's Celtic Cross GMC
Caleb's Celtic Crusader
Caleb's Chamber of Secrets v Bravehart
Caleb's Changing of the Guard
Caleb's Chariot of Fire
Caleb's Chasing Midnight
Caleb's Colorado Morning v Marywyck
Caleb's Courageous
Caleb's Crown of Glory v Ravenswood
Caleb's Crystal Rain
Caleb's Crystal Sea GMC
Caleb's Day of Redemption
Caleb's Deathly Hallows
Caleb's Defender of Faith and Glory
Caleb's Divine Providence
Caleb's Early Morning Thunder v Marywyck
Caleb's Ebb Tide v Crosswind
Caleb's Enduring Freedom
Caleb's Eternal Destiny
Caleb's Faithful and True GMC
Caleb's Forged in Fire at Anchor Point
Caleb's Gaelic Angel GMC
Caleb's Glorious Ripcord
Caleb's Glory be ! v Crosswind
Caleb's Glory Hallelujah
Caleb's Glory in My Rock of Refuge
Caleb's Gloryseeker
Caleb's Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Caleb's Guardian Angel
Caleb's Heart and Soul v Marywyck
Caleb's Higher Ground
Caleb's His Eye Is on the Sparrow
Caleb's Holy Smoke v Signature
Caleb's Indescribable
Caleb's Infinite Justice
Caleb's Intoxicating
Caleb's Intriguing
Caleb's Invincible
Caleb's Irish Blessing
Caleb's Irresistible v Bravehart
Caleb's Joy in the Morning
Caleb's Kensington Gardens v Bravehart
Caleb's Kingdom of Heaven GMC
Caleb's Kinsman Redeemer GMC
Caleb's Lamb of Glory
Caleb's Last Hallelujah
Caleb's Lionheart
Caleb's Mighty Conqueror
Caleb's Miracleworker
Caleb's Morning Glory v Marywyck
Caleb's My Redeemer Lives GMC
Caleb's Night Mischief
Caleb's on Eagles Wings
Caleb's Overnight Success of Hytymes
Caleb's Patriot Dream
Caleb's Ready for the Rapture
Caleb's Redeemer of Jestor GMC
Caleb's Redemption
Caleb's Remembrance
Caleb's Resurrection Rain at Anchor Point
Caleb's Revelation
Caleb's Road to Redemption
Caleb's Sacred Fire
Caleb's Saving Grace GMC
Caleb's Seventh Angel
Caleb's Shelby Shannon
Caleb's Shoot for the Stars
Caleb's Signature in Gold
Caleb's Socerer's Stone
Caleb's Song in the Night
Caleb's Song of the Promise
Caleb's Song of the Redeemed
Caleb's Soul Inspiration
Caleb's Star Crossed
Caleb's Star Spangled Gunner
Caleb's Starry Knight
Caleb's Sustaining Love
Caleb's Telluride Gold
Caleb's the Stars Sing Praise
Caleb's Time in a Bottle v Marywyck
Caleb's Time Traveler v Marywyck
Caleb's Tried by Fire
Caleb's Undeniable v Encore
Caleb's Unwavering
Caleb's We Shall Behold Him
Caleb's Windsor Castle v Bravehart
Caleb's Witchy Woman GMC
Caleb's You Look Like an Angel
Firelite's Kick the Dust Up
Firelite's Need for Speed
Firelite's Pedal to the Metal
Firelite's Turn and Burn
GMC Caleb's Redeeming Love
GMC Take it to the Limit Caleb
Marywyck Georgia Morning Glory v Caleb
Marywyck's Back to the Future v Caleb
Olympia Cowgirls Don't Cry v Promise
Olympia Zanes Little Secret v Promise
Promise's I Put a Spell on You v Olympia
RMH Look But Don't Touch
RMH Looks Like Black Gold
RMH Take a Look at Me Now
RMH the Look of Eagles
RMH Unfinished Business
Springbrook Celtic Mist v Caleb
Stargazer's Adara v Bravehart
Stargazer's Atlas GMC
Stargazer's Nashira GMC
    Caleb's Angel in Disguise
Caleb's Angel Unaware
Caleb's Answered Prayers
Caleb's Beneath the Shadow of His Wings
Caleb's Captivating
Caleb's Carried on Angel Wings
Caleb's Casting Crowns
Caleb's Celtic Cross GMC
Caleb's Chamber of Secrets v Bravehart
Caleb's Changing of the Guard
Caleb's Chasing Midnight
Caleb's Colorado Morning v Marywyck
Caleb's Courageous
Caleb's Crystal Sea GMC
Caleb's Defender of Faith and Glory
Caleb's Divine Providence
Caleb's Early Morning Thunder v Marywyck
Caleb's Ebb Tide v Crosswind
Caleb's Forged in Fire at Anchor Point
Caleb's Gaelic Angel GMC
Caleb's Glory be ! v Crosswind
Caleb's Glory Hallelujah
Caleb's Glory in My Rock of Refuge
Caleb's Goblet of Fire
Caleb's Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Caleb's Heart and Soul v Marywyck
Caleb's Higher Ground
Caleb's His Eye Is on the Sparrow
Caleb's Indescribable
Caleb's Intoxicating
Caleb's Invincible
Caleb's Irish Blessing
Caleb's Irresistible v Bravehart
Caleb's Joy in the Morning
Caleb's Kensington Gardens v Bravehart
Caleb's Lamb of Glory
Caleb's Lionheart
Caleb's Mighty Conqueror
Caleb's Miracleworker
Caleb's Morning Glory v Marywyck
Caleb's My Redeemer Lives GMC
Caleb's on Eagles Wings
Caleb's Order of the Phoenix at Katagnik
Caleb's Redeemer of Jestor GMC
Caleb's Redemption
Caleb's Remembrance
Caleb's Revelation
Caleb's Road to Redemption
Caleb's Sacred Fire
Caleb's Shelby Shannon
Caleb's Silverton
Caleb's Song of the Promise
Caleb's Song of the Redeemed
Caleb's Star Crossed
Caleb's Starry Knight
Caleb's Telluride Gold
Caleb's the Stars Sing Praise
Caleb's Tried by Fire
Caleb's Undeniable v Encore
Caleb's Unwavering
Caleb's We Shall Behold Him
Caleb's Windsor Castle v Bravehart
Caleb's Wings of the Wind
Caleb's Witchy Woman GMC
Edelhein's Dance With Courage Caleb
GMC Keeper of the Stars v Caleb