A Web Database from...


The Doberman Pinscher Club of America



name   Avedon, Daniel
  Beverly Hills
  United States
email address   djavedon@gmail.com
web site address  

breeder of:


owner of::


  Excelsia's Above Love & Loyalty
Excelsia's Bonfire of the Vanities
Excelsia's Breakfast at Tiffany's
Excelsia's Diamond Key by Tiffany
Excelsia's Farewell to Arms
Excelsia's Garden of Eden
Excelsia's He Thinks He's Wonderful
Excelsia's Islands in the Stream
Excelsia's Moveable Feast
Excelsia's Outside of Tiffany's Box
Excelsia's Paris Without End
Excelsia's Prince of Fire
Excelsia's Story of a Novel
Excelsia's the Diamond as Big as the Ritz
Excelsia's the New Girl
Excelsia's the Offshore Pirate
Excelsia's the Other Woman
Excelsia's the Painted Word
Excelsia's the Sun Also Rises
Excelsia's the Tempest
Excelsia's This Side of Paradise
Excelsia's Tiffany T Bracelet
Excelsia's True at First Light
Excelsia's Winter Dreams
    Caryola's Antigua
Excelsia's Bonfire of the Vanities
Excelsia's Breakfast at Tiffany's
Excelsia's the Tempest
Excelsia's This Side of Paradise
Excelsia's Tiffany T Bracelet
Lancaster's J&J Sassi Cayenne
LeMils Hot Shot
Marienburg's the Masterpiece
Montwood's Java Mist