A Web Database from...


The Doberman Pinscher Club of America



name   Gallant, Denise
  New Brunswick
email address   danen.gallant@rogers.com
web site address   http://www.dengaldobes.com

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owner of::


  Cha-Rish 'N Sioul's God O' War
Nevar Better the Devil Wth DiamondsNPearls v Sioul
Nevar Between the Devil N the Starrs v Sioul
Nevar Catch a Devil's Starr v Sioul
Nevar Devil's Starr Supercharged v Sioul
Nevar Emperor's Ruler of the Devil Starr v Sioul
Nevar Flirting With the Devil's Superbeast v Sioul
Nevar GhostHunt for Devil's Morning Starr v Sioul
Nevar SuperSonic Devil's Starr v Sioul
Nevar the Devil Gotcha by the Jewels v Sioul
Nevar the Devil Wears Platinum Ost-Berlin v Sioul
Nevar the Devil's Eye in the Bayou v Sioul
Nevar the Devil's Quest for a Red Ruby v Sioul
Nevar Whiskey Devil on the Rocks v Sioul
Sioul v Nevar Alltimate Legendary Warrior
Sioul v Nevar Alltimate Vikin' Warrior
Sioul v Nevar Alltimate Winter Warrior
Sioul v Nevar Once Upon a Warrior Princess
Sioul's House of Dragons v Nevar
Sioul's a Devil Among the Starrs v Nevar
Sioul's Along Came the Devil v Nevar
Sioul's Black Caviar
Sioul's Black Eddition
Sioul's Black Lync
Sioul's Black Moon Arisin'
Sioul's Black Point
Sioul's Black Reign
Sioul's Black Shael
Sioul's Blackfoot War Bonnet
Sioul's C'est La Vie
Sioul's Caught in the Act
Sioul's Chain Reaction
Sioul's Champagne on Ice
Sioul's Come What Come May
Sioul's Conspiracy Theory
Sioul's Cowans Creek
Sioul's Crimson 'N Cream CGN
Sioul's Dance Like the Devil
Sioul's Devil's Little Diva
Sioul's Dragon Warrior v Nevar
Sioul's Enter Sandman
Sioul's Entre Amis
Sioul's Excuse Me French
Sioul's Express This
Sioul's Fight the Faded Devil v Nevar
Sioul's Finely Carved With Love v Nevar
Sioul's Five Devil High v Nevar
Sioul's Foolish for Devil's Gold v Nevar
Sioul's for All the Devils in Black Clover v Nevar
Sioul's for He Who Laughs Last Laughs Best v Nevar
Sioul's for the Devil's Keep v Nevar
Sioul's Forbidden Devils Third v Nevar
Sioul's Gambling With the Devil
Sioul's Girl With a Dragon Tattoo
Sioul's Guaco My Taco
Sioul's Halo on Fire
Sioul's Hell on Heels
Sioul's Here for Evermore
Sioul's Here We Go Again
Sioul's Hilton Traditions
Sioul's Hopelessly in Love
Sioul's Hot as Hades
Sioul's Hot Fudge Extra Nuts
Sioul's Hugs N Kisses for Lollipop
Sioul's I Speak of War
Sioul's Kiss of a Red Dragon
Sioul's La Vie Est Belle Rosie
Sioul's Lady in Black
Sioul's Man O' War
Sioul's Master of Puppets
Sioul's Nothing Else Matters
Sioul's Play N it Up in Hi Heels for Tequila
Sioul's Quest for a Red Dragon
Sioul's Running With the Dragons V Nevar
Sioul's Tequila Made Me Do It
Sioul's Tequila Therapy
Sioul's the Devil Among the Tailors
Sioul's the Devil in Disguise
Sioul's the Devil Inside
Sioul's the Devil Within
Sioul's the Devil Within Nevar
Sioul's the Devil's at Your Door
Sioul's the Devil's Endeavour
Sioul's the Devil's Mayhem
Sioul's the Devil's Shade of Red
Sioul's the Whole Enchilada
Sioul's Thirteen Going on Thirty
Sioul's War Horse
Sioul's War of the Red Dragons
Sioul's War of the Red Dragons v Nevar
Sioul's Wherever I May Roam
    Cha-Rish N Cassels Wild Child
Cha-Rish Royal Flush v Merkur
ConnQuest Wanted Dead Or Alive
Gatehouse Not Ready to Make Nice Sioul
Merkur's be the Rainbow v Sioul
Mervio Chosen Warrior v Sioul
Nevar Emperor's Ruler of the Devil Starr v Sioul
Nevar SuperSonic Devil's Starr v Sioul
Nevar the Devil Gotcha by the Jewels v Sioul
Sioul's a Devil Among the Starrs v Nevar
Sioul's Along Came the Devil v Nevar
Sioul's Black Caviar
Sioul's Hell on Heels
Sioul's Here We Go Again
Sioul's Lady in Black
Sioul's Master of Puppets
Sioul's Play N it Up in Hi Heels for Tequila
Sioul's Tequila Made Me Do It
Sioul's the Devil Within Nevar
Torkelle's JavaMeKrazy Trymine