Ch Foxfire's Smoke on the Water WAC BFL-1 LC-10D
Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD LC-12D
Arg Ch Will Ross Opium
Nello's Eureka Black
Arg Ch Baden Baden Cash
Ch Cambria's Highly Regarded BFL-1
Ch Foxfire's Take That LC-11D
Ch Cambria's Cavalleria LC-10D
Am/Can Ch Wrath's Tequila Sunrise BFL-1 LC-11D
Kaywood's Highly Classified LC-10D
Am/Can Ch Wrath's Dance With the Devil
Ch Foxfire's Take it as it Comes WAC
Ch Brunswig's Cryptonite
CH Cambria's Mauna Kea BFL-1 LC-14D
Ch Cambria's Cactus Cash
Ch Foxfire's Take That LC-11D
Ch Foxfire's Take it as it Comes WAC
Am/Brz/Chl/Mex/Urg Ch Arg GRCh Nello's Lex Luthor WAC
Arg/Urg GRCh Cindy De Black Shadow LC-10D
Kaywood's Highly Classified LC-10D
Ch Legends Extravaganza v Deco CD LC-12D
Ch Foxfire's Devils N Demons WAC
Eisamar's Touch and Go
World Ch Am/Mex Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow TT
Ch Foxfire's All That Jazz LC-12D
Ch Cambria's Highly Regarded BFL-1
Ch Foxfire's Imagine That LC-11D
Ch Foxfire's Jus Your Imagination LC-11D
Ch Foxfire All Star LC-10D
Ch Cambria's Cavalleria LC-10D
Arg Ch Aquarius Tootsie v Ravenswd LC-11D